The most important and essential pranayamas are ;
✦ Kapal bati
✦ Bhastrika
✦ Anulom vilom or nadi suddhi
✦ Bhramari
Anulom vilom is already explained, click here
In this article other three pranayamas are explained in detail.
✦ Known as forehead shining breath.
✦ Makes our breath longer and stronger.
✦ Clears our nasal passage
✦ In normal breathing , active inhalation and passive exhalation happens.
✦ Here opposite of what mentioned above happens that is, passive inhalation and active exhalation
✦ Procedure:
👉 Sit straight with spine erect in sukhasana or in padmasana.
👉 Keep hands in dhiyan mudra.
👉 Take a deep breath in. Actively exhale don't worry about inhalation. Our body is wired to keep us alive, so exhalation will automatically happen.
👉 Practice 3 rounds. Each round should include 50 breaths.
✦ Known as bellows breath.
✦ Provides a balance of body and mind.
✦ Clears our nasal passage.
✦ It alings our body movement with our breath.
✦ By practising this we can able to known how to aling our breath while doing other asanas.
✦ Here we have to do active inhalation and active exhalation.
✦ Procedure:
👉 Sit in sukhasana or in padmasana with spine erect.
👉 Keep your hands in dhiyan mudra.
👉Then actively inhale and exhale at your possible speed. Inhalation and exhalation should be equal
👉 Stop when you feel dizzy. Relax for some time and then continue.
✦ Limitations:
👉 Don't practice if you are a heart patient or have BP,
👉 Don't practice if you have hernia, asthma ,TB, any disease related to lungs and stomach.
✦ Practice only once in a day for abaout 10 to 15 times.
✦ Known as humming bee breath, because it produces a sound similar to that of bee.
✦ Gives relief from anxiety and stress.
✦ Gives instant relief from frustration and agitation.
✦ It is suitable for persons with hypertension, depression and brain disorders.
✦ Procedure:
👉 Sit straight with spine erect.
👉 Take your thumb and close your ear.
👉 Place index finger over fore head just above the eye brows. Keep other 3 fingers gently over the closed eyes.
👉 Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth making the humming bee sound.The sound should be similar to 'OM sound'.
✦ Practise it 5 to 10 times in a day.
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✦ Limitations:
👉 People with heart issues should not do too many rounds without any break.
👉 It will be difficult for the people with migrane to do it with eyes closed. so they can do it with oeyes open.
"All the above mentioned pranayama should be done in an empty stomach"
[In all pranayama and also in normal breathing, abdomen movement should happen in a correct way. That is abdomen should move out during inhalation and in during exhalation.]
The correct sequence of doing pranayama is
1) Kapalbati
2) Bhastrika
3) Anulom vilom or nadi suddhi
4) Bhramari.